Our curriculum is broad and balanced at all key stages.  It meets the needs, abilities and aspirations of all our learners. Our Curriculum Intent Statement can be found by clicking the link below.

The key priority for our curriculum is to ensure that all young people at St Paul’s fulfil their potential, explore and develop their own faith journey and are enabled and supported to fully develop as well-rounded individuals.  We regard everything that occurs at St. Paul’s as a part of the curriculum. This includes many memorable experiences and rich opportunities for high quality learning within and outside of lesson times. We actively seek to promote students’ faith, personal development and well-being in all areas of the curriculum. This development of our students’ confidence in themselves as learners is central to their success.

We have a broad curriculum, delivered by departments that take a pride in what they do. We have a commitment to the Ebacc as well as preserving student’s right to access the Arts and Technology., For a small number of students, we arrange a bespoke programme of study designed to meet their needs, the specifics of which can be found here.

Our Personal development programme runs across all year groups, details can be found here.

Most students are entered for up to 9 GCSEs. Our options are structured to allow students to access the Ebac and Progress 8 measures.  However, there is significant personalisation of the curriculum for many students. This gives them the opportunity to access:

* Additional courses in core Maths & English

* Vocational courses at colleges

* Support for basic literacy

* Personalised programmes of study

This allows the school to meet the needs of all students and allow them to achieve their potential. It also equips all St. Paul’s students with the skills and qualifications to move onto the next phase of their education.

If you have any questions about our curriculum you can contact Jo Laidler via the school.

Curriculum Intent Statement