Welcome to St Paul’s Catholic School. You will find us to be a warm inclusive community where we are inspired and motivated by the words of the prophet Micah and the words of our school prayer; “Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.”
We are one of 23 schools who all belong to the St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Multi Academy Trust. We are bound together by the Trust mission to “prepare all our young people for a wholesome, fulfilling and active life in the future making a valuable contribution to society.” We are committed to the education of the whole person and look to foster each student’s gifts and talents whatever they may be.
This website contains both essential information which I hope will prove useful to you as one of our parents or someone wanting to know more about us and our school. The website should also give you a snap shot into our busy, vibrant community which is a wonderful place to work and study.
Mrs S Conaghan
“Let your light shine before others” Matthew 5