We gather as a community of faith to listen to and put into practice the teachings of Jesus Christ as part of the mission of the Church. Following the Church’s Calendar we worship together in public celebrations of the liturgy seeking to grow spiritually in faith, hope and love through the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Form Morning Prayer 8.45am in Form Rooms including the NDCYS Extra-ordo-nary
Staff Voluntary Morning Prayer 8.10 am in the Chapel (Tuesday and Thursdays)
During Form Time
Monday – Liturgy for Yr 7 & 8 (Theatre)
Tuesday – Encounter (Adoration and Benediction) with a form (Chapel)
Wednesday – Liturgy for Yrs 9 & Sixth Form (Theatre)
Thursday – Celebration of Mass with a Form (Chapel)
Friday – Liturgy with Yr 11 & 10 (Theatre)
Year Pastoral Assemblies in Form Registration or PHSE
Tuesday – Yrs 8 & 10 (Theatre)
Wednesday – Yr 11 & Sixth Form
Thursday- Yrs 7 & 9
- Year 7,8 & 11 have Think Days at the Rosmini Centre
- Year 12 begin their year with a Welcome Liturgy
- Students in Year 7-11 prepare a Class Mass with one of the Deanery clergy and celebrate this Mass during Thursday Form Time
- During Advent Years 7-9 take part in an Advent Service reflecting on people from the Old Testament.
On Ash Wednesday we begin our Lenten observances with the blessing and distribution of ashes. During Lent all forms come to the Chapel for a Penitential Service and have time to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on three Mercy Fridays. The final week of Lent has groups walk the Stations of the Cross around the school grounds.
Year 11 and 13 before the exam season begins celebrate a Community Mass with blessing of pens for their exams.
Around the Feast of Corpus Christi, forms from Lower School spend time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament using Lectio Divina and concluding with Benediction.
Our Feast Day on the Feast of St Peter and St Paul has the whole school gather for the celebration of Mass
Our Staff begin the academic Year with a Staff Liturgy and celebrate a Mass during the last week of the year with those who are leaving our community.
In guidance with the teachings of the Church we respect and encourage our students of other faiths to develop in their own faith life, sharing our common aim of ‘walking humbly with our God.’