Congratulations to Pradip and Anisha on their Principal’s Pen awards!  Both of these students arrived late into St Paul’s with very little English and have become valuable, hardworking and model St Paul’s students.

Pradip has supported a number of new arrivals, helping them to negotiate the school timetable and geography and acting as an advocate for them when they have needed it.

Anisha found school exceptionally difficult when she first arrived, to the extent that she was too afraid to come to school for a number of weeks. Since then, she has grown in confidence, formed positive relationships with students and teachers alike and cheers us up every day with her happy, polite and friendly demeanour.

Thank you to Mrs Cartwright for the nominations.  She felt that they both deserved recognition for what they have achieved in view of the barriers that they have had to overcome and in light of that our Chaplain, Deacon Seamus awarded them a Caritas badge too!