The Chaplain, Deacon Séamus, works within the school full time, following a Salesian method of working with young people, developed by the Patron Saint of Youth, St John Bosco and is available to talk to and to offer a listening ear. It may be to share a worry, have had a bereavement or need support. The Chaplain works closely with the School’s Pastoral Team to provide pastoral care as well as opportunities to grow spiritually and develop personal understanding. He is also Parish Deacon to the Holy Family Cluster of Parishes – Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary, St Joseph’s and Our Lady of Good Counsel Churches. 

Rebecca is a Theology student at Newman University, who as part of her course is on placement one day a week in the Chaplaincy.  

Our Chaplaincy Team are known as Ceferinos, named after Blessed Ceferino Namuncura, a young Argentinian Salesian Blessed known for being a young person who helped other young people grow in their faith. They work in the Chaplaincy organising and leading Prayer Assemblies and Lectio Divins, organising the weekly Mass and Feast celebrations.

Our Year 10 Peer Mentors work with the Chaplaincy to organise and lead welcome activities when our new Year 7s arrive and the Year 7 & 8 Think Days at Rosmini Centre. 

Our Sixth Form leaders co-ordinate Charity appeals throughout the year – which includes collection for Food Banks, Christmas Shoe box appeal, wear Red against Racism, Cafod Harvest Fast Day etc