School Prayer
This is what The Lord asks of you,
to act justly,
to love tenderly,
and to walk humbly with your god
Mission Statement
St Paul’s School is a Catholic family, a living, breathing reflection of the love of our God and neighbour.
We celebrate our diversity, seeking from each other mutual respect and high expectations.
Our mission and vision is to strive to fulfil our potential as disciples who grow in holiness, knowledge and dignity.
Vision Statement
Our school is a Catholic family community whose focus is on supporting the development of young people in terms of their confidence, their learning, their moral and social duty, and their responsibilities as citizens of the 21st Century world we live in.
The young people we welcome into our family receive excellent care, support and guidance on their individual journeys; they are also aware of the high expectations we have of them. Whether a young person is seeking a place at a Russell group university, a high quality apprenticeship or vocational course, or a place at a prestigious Performing Arts college, we have the experience and the track record to get them there.
Our school is a special place. With Christ at heart of everything we do, the St Paul’s experience is far more than “going to school”; it is the development of an academic, spiritual, cultural, social and moral core that shapes the entire life of each one of our young people. It is education – in its truest sense.
School Motto
“Let your light shine before others” – Matthew 5