Despite the horrendous weather and our internet going down, we welcomed everyone back to school on the Feast of the Epiphany when the wise men, visited baby Jesus. In many countries, ‘Chalking the doors’ is an old epiphany tradition where we ask for God’s blessing on the home. The blessing is something that we do here at St. Paul’s. The gospel tells us that the magi (wise men) found Christ “on entering the house”. The door to our home is a holy threshold. You can bless those who come in and go out by inscribing above the door in chalk the first two numbers of the year + C + M + B + the last two numbers of the year- 20 + C + M + B + 25. Tradition tells us that the letters represent the names of the magi: Caspar, Malchior and Bethasar. It may also mean “Christus mansionem benedicat” or “may Christ bless this dwelling”. Mrs. Conaghan hosted an assembly and Deacon Seamus gave out the 2025 blessing door signage and will bless the doors with holy water this week; this means, we are all blessed as we walk through our school doors.