We gather as a community of faith to listen to and put into practice the teachings of Jesus Christ as part of the mission of the Church. Following the Church’s Calendar we worship together in public celebrations of the liturgy seeking to grow spiritually in faith, hope and love through the direction of the Holy Spirit.


Form Morning Prayer 8.45am in Form Rooms using the daily Prayer slides


Each year group celebrates a Prayer Assembly in the Theatre guided by the Chaplain, members of the Senior Leadership Team, Ceferino Team and prepared by classes on a rota

During Form Time in the Chapel

Monday & Tuesday Lectio Divina or Encounter (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) with different classes on a rota

Thursday – Celebration of Mass with a Form on rota celebrated by one of our Deanery priests

Friday – Liturgy with a form on rota

Think Days

Year 7 have a Think Day at the Rosmini Centre during their third week– looking at what gifts God has given them to be shared in their new school community.

Year 8 have a Think Day at the Rosmini Centre looking at the theme of Vocation

Celebrations of our faith throughout the year

Year 12 begin their year with a Welcome Mass celebrated and prepared together

Year 7 celebrate a Saints Day with each form preparing an input on a Saint and then voting for a Saint to be the Year Group Saint throughout their time at St Paul’s.

Our Year Patrons are

Year 7 St Jose del Rio

Year 8 Blessed Isidore Bakanja

Year 9 St Kateri Tekawitha

Year 10 St Maximilian Kolbe

Year 7 celebrate a Community Mass together before the end of the first half term at St Joseph’s Church

Students in Year 7-11 prepare a Class Mass with one of the Deanery clergy and celebrate this Mass during Thursday Form Time

Our Ceferino Team (Chaplaincy Team named after Blessed Ceferino Namuncura) after their training celebrate Mass with parishioners at St Joseph’s Church, where their badges are blessed.

All Saints Day saw our Orchestra lead the music for the Parish Mass at St Joseph’s Church

During Advent Years 7-13 take part in a ‘Waiting in Joyful Hope’ Advent Service reflecting on people from the Old Testament. Our last week of Advent Term sees us celebrate our annual Carol Service in the evening with families invited. During Advent in Form Prayer we use the CAFOD Advent Calendar for schools.

At Epiphany we follow a Polish tradition of blessing all the doors in our school

On Ash Wednesday we begin our Lenten observances with the blessing and distribution of ashes. During Lent all forms come to the Chapel for a Penitential Service. Year 7 reflect on the Stations of the Cross. Our Lenten Charity this year will be in support of Fr Bertrand opening his new school in Burkina Faso. Fr Bertrand has visited our school a number of times over the last year whilst studying and now has the massive task of opening ‘The Good Shepherd School’

Year 11 and 13 before the exam season begins celebrate a Community Celebration Mass with blessing of pens for their exams.

Around the Feast of Corpus Christi, forms from Lower School spend time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament using Lectio Divina and concluding with Benediction. We plan to have a Blessed Sacrament procession at St Joseph’s Church.

Our Feast Day on the Feast of St Peter and St Paul has the whole school gather for the celebration of Mass in the School Sports Hall

Our Staff begin the academic Year with a Staff Mass in the Theatre

In guidance with the teachings of the Church we respect and encourage our students of other faiths to develop in their own faith life, sharing our common aim of ‘walking humbly with our God.’

The Parishes Linked to Our School

Holy Cross Priory (Fr Richard Ounsworth OP )

Website: Holy Cross Priory Youtube: HolyCrossTV Leicester

Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary

Website: Sacred Heart Youtube: Sacred Heart Parish Leicester

Our Lady of Good Counsel, Rushey Mead & St Joseph, Goodwood Road (Fr David Cain, Fr Vitalis Adaku & Deacon Seamus O’Looskan)

St Thomas More, Knighton Road (Fr Philip Heiberg)

Website: St Thomas More YouTube: St Thomas More Leicester

Immaculate Conception, Oadby (Fr Philip Heiberg)

Website: Immaculate Conception

St Mary’s South Wigston (Fr John Owens)

Website: St Mary’s

St Paul’s Polish Church, Wakerley Road

Our Diocese

Nottingham Diocese

Catholic Aid for Overseas Development (CAFOD)

Nottingham Diocesan Youth Service