How the application process works:

If you are currently on roll in a Leicester or Leicestershire school, you will probably be using Positive Steps @ 16 (PS16) the online application for all Post 16 providers. On PS16 you should record your desire to study at St Paul’s. We can then see your application and make contact about Taster Days, Welcome Events and Enrolling Process.

Students who live outside of Leicester/Leicestershire:

If you are currently studying outside Leicestershire, you can also apply via PS16 which will help you track it’s progress and help our Sixth Form Team keep in touch with you. You can register for a PS16 account here –

We welcome all

Although we are a Catholic school and Sixth Form, we welcome the diversity and educational possibilities brought to us by students of other faiths. Our Mission Statement demonstrates that our daily life is governed by a spiritual awareness and holds all people as equals.

Need any help with your application?

Click here for a guide to help you complete your PS16 application.

Once your application has been submitted it will be reviewed by our Sixth Form Team and they will contact you via PS16 and email.