The 10th world meeting of families is celebrated in Rome this week. The Pope realises not all families can attend and asks that parishes and homes celebrate together instead. The theme this year is Family love: a vocation and path to holiness. Let us remember what joy our families bring us and we give thanks for the gift of family in our lives.
Prayer for Families
We Are Family
Lord, God, we thank you for the gift of family. We acknowledge that our image and name as family come from you. We believe that within our family lies a homemade holiness. We affirm that it is in this household of faith that we experience your presence, your forgiveness, and your love.
We are Family. We give thanks to you for the many joys and blessings that have come to us through family.
As a family we sometimes feel pain. And so we offer you our disappointments, frustrations, and hurts. Help us to forgive those members of our family, including ourselves, who have caused pain.
We pray for the strength to be a light within our family. May we open our hearts, our eyes, and our ears and carry our light to those in need.
God, Creator of the earth and all its people, help us to be mindful that, as members of one global family, we are equal in your eyes. Help us to continue to appreciate the diversity of persons in our homes and in our world. As members equal in human dignity, may we build a better world and proclaim our willingness to be the holy people you call us to be.